Stories from the NFCCA Newsletter, the “Northwood News”

Northwood News ♦ June 2022

President’s Message

By Linda Perlman

All eight Democratic primary candidates — including four incumbents — running for at-large Montgomery County Council seats are scheduled to participate in the NFCCA meeting/candidate forum on Wednesday, 8 June 2022, at 7:30 p.m.

This meeting will be held via Zoom.  The Zoom link for this meeting/candidate forum is [weblink redacted] or via phone at +1 301.715.8592.  The link will be available on the website before the meeting.

The Zoom connection information for the NFCCA candidate forum also will be publicized via the NFCCA listserv and Next Door/Northwood-Four Corners and will be available on the NFCCA website at  All residents of the Northwood-Four Corners-Forest Knolls area are encouraged to attend this virtual meeting/candidate forum.  The candidate forum also is open to interested members of the public.

NFCCA’s last meeting, on 13 April 2022, was a District 5 candidate forum for the contenders for the County Council District 5 seat.  The eight Democratic candidates for the District 5 County Council seat all attended the forum.  The candidates opined on efforts to increase pedestrian, bicycle, and vehicle safety in the complex Four Corners traffic intersection and along nearby roads; on the availability and conditions of rental housing; on the Thrive Montgomery 2050 planning process, including zoning changes to permit denser redevelopment in single-family neighborhoods; and on economic redevelopment of nearby commercial areas.

NFCCA also sponsored an Earth Day Family Bike Ride for children of all ages around the neighborhood (see story here).  The bike ride finished at North Four Corners Park with pizza and beverages for participants.  Thanks to Ema Perez and his team for organizing the fun bike ride!

A Neighborhood Yard Sale — actually more than 26 yard sales — took place on 14 May at multiple locations in the neighborhood (see story here).  Kudos to Julie Whitcomb and Karen Donnelly for their work in planning, organizing, and marketing the neighborhood yard sale.  There have been other fun civic activities this spring, such as a plant swap sponsored by the newly formed Northwood Garden Club.

Finally, please save the date — Tuesday, 2 August — for NFCCA’s annual National Night Out celebration (see page 15).  National Night Out will be held at the Forest Knolls Pool and include the traditional potluck dinner, as well as snow cones, swimming, and visits from local officials.

NFCCA does not meet during the summer months so we will next see you in October.  By then, we hope to resume in-person meetings at Forest Knolls Elementary School.   ■

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