Stories from the NFCCA Newsletter, the “Northwood News”

Northwood News ♦ June 2019

Speakers at the June Meeting

By Ed Levy

We are pleased to host all four members of the District 19 state legislative delegation, which represents our neighborhood in Annapolis.  State Senator Ben Kramer, and State Delegates Bonnie Cullison, Charlotte Crutchfield, and Vaughn Stewart will each provide ten minutes of opening remarks to be followed by questions and answers.  This was a momentous annual legislative session, notably with the death of long-time Speaker of the House Michael Busch on the next to last day of the session.

The legislature passed several significant pieces of legislation, some of which at this writing have not yet been acted on by Governor Hogan.

Feel free to raise any question about the state government, but expect to hear about issues such as the Governor’s proposal to widen the Beltway and I-270, alcohol and tobacco regulation, minimum wage, support for Federal workers during government shutdowns, school construction, renewable energy, end of life options, and election day voter registration.

Please join us for what we expect to be a lively and informative meeting 12 June starting at 7:30 pm at Forest Knolls Elementary.  You needn’t be a member of the NFCCA to attend.  It’s free!

[Levy, NFCCA Vice President, lives on Thistle Ct.]   ■

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