Northwood News ♦ June 2013
Neighborhood Student in School Recipe Contest
By Karen Devitt
Cait James (with daughter Marisa) show off Josie’s recipe for “Happy
Bean Pancake with Mango,” which won third place in the contest. Josie, a
fifth grader at Oak View Elementary, was on a scouting trip and couldn’t attend.
On Saturday, 18 May 2013, Real Food for Kids-Montgomery held its first
recipe contest tasting event to create a healthy school lunch. Children,
parents, chefs, educators, and friends submitted their recipes, and five finalists
prepared and served their entries at the event which was held at
Piney Branch Elementary School. Cash prizes and gift cards were awarded
to the top three winners. Third place went to our very own Cait James and
daughter Josie James-Le (Lockridge Drive) for their yummy entry “Happy Bean
Pancake with Mango.” About 60 people were in attendance.
“This recipe contest gives MCPS families a real opportunity to demonstrate that
it is possible to create a delicious, fresh, whole, and nutrient-rich meal that children
will eat,” said Lindsey Parsons, co-founder of RFKM. “It is our hope
that the winning recipe will be adopted by MCPS as a healthy school lunch option.”
Author Karen Devitt shows off plates of food prepared as part of the contest.
The initial recipes were submitted by 8 May 2013, and prejudged by a group that
included Marla Caplon, Director, MCPS Food and Nutrition Services; Cesare Lanfranconi,
Executive Chef, Lia’s, Chevy Chase; Sheila Crye, Montgomery County Food Council;
Drew Faulkner, Chef and Culinary Educator; and Kristen Daugherity, Nutrition Educator
from Wootton High School.
About Real Food for Kids-Montgomery (RFKM)
RFKM is a grass-roots, parent advocacy group promoting whole, delicious, fresh foods
in the Montgomery County Public Schools. Formed in October 2012, it currently includes
parents representing 56 elementary, middle, and high schools and 360+ supporters.
RFKM’s first priorities include: improving communication and transparency
with parents about what is being served in MCPS schools, eliminating products with harmful
additives, and surveying current à la carte and vending items with an eye toward proposing
healthier alternatives. In April, RFKM became a project of the
Institute for Public Health Innovation which provides RFKM tax-exempt status, access to
a wider audience, and the ability to raise funds to help continue and expand its
If you would like to join us in our mission or for more information, you can reach
us at RealFoodMCPS at gmail dot com or at
301.202.4812. Like us on Facebook
( and check out our website, ■