Join the NFCCA or Make a Donation
Dues are $15 per household — not individual — per
Fiscal Year (October through September) for homes within NFCCA’s territory (see “Our Territory” under the “About NFCCA” drop-down menu at top.) Although dues have remained at $10 per household for
more than 20 years, the Board made a decision to finally make an increase in the fall of 2022.
We hope you will still support us!
If you’d like to donate to the NFCCA — whether you live in
NFCCA territory or not — you should know that, although the
Northwood-Four Corners Civic Association is
registered as a 501(c)(4) nonprofit organization, your contribution is not
What Your Dues Pay For
- Printing our newsletter, the North Four Corners News [formerly the Northwood News], five times a year
See Issues Here
- Renting the All-Purpose Room at Forest Knolls Elementary School for our meetings
- Hosting this website
- Our “” domain name
- Purchasing 1,600 envelopes once a year for dues return envelopes in the October newsletter
- Expenses for the annual National Night Out (held the first Tuesday in August at Forest Knolls Pool)
- Expenses for other community events, such as the Community Bike Rides and annual Halloween house- and pet-decorating contests
- A few special projects, such as the five Little Free Libraries set up around our neighborhood
- Raffle items at the bimonthly meetings (raffles were discontinued in fall of 2023)
- Outdoor signs that announce both general and special meetings (which periodically need to be replaced)
Volunteer Activities (i.e., What Your Dues Do Not Pay For)
- The individuals who serve on the NFCCA Board volunteer their time and resources to this community
by writing letters to express our community’s approval or disapproval for County plans affecting us,
attending County meetings, testifying before the County Council or other government agencies, keeping track
of County and State legislation affecting our neighborhood, serving on County committees (such as the
Citizens Advisory Council) or other groups (such as the
Presidents’ Council of Silver Spring Civic Associations, or PREZCO). For example, in 2017,
the Board coordinated a write-in campaign to get our streets repaved.
- Arranging speakers for our bimonthly meetings, baking treats for attendees’ enjoyment at the meetings.
- Planning and hosting the National Night Out community get-together in August.
- Developing a “Snow Angels” program for residents, which solicits
volunteers for those in the neighborhood unable to shovel their own sidewalks. [This formal program has been discontinued, but folks within the neighborhood can still request
help via our listserv.]
- Researching and writing stories for the newsletter we hope will be of interest to our community.
- Soliciting ads for the newsletter to help defray some of the costs.
- Designing, editing, and laying out the bimonthly newsletter; dealing with advertisers;
collecting payment for ads.
- Distribution of the North Four Corners News [formerly the Northwood News] to every home, carried out by 52 volunteers covering 52
routes. (In the past, our distributors have ranged in age from a pair of twin Middle-Schoolers to a gentleman more than 100 years old.) Arranging alternates to deliver the newsletter for a route when the distributor
is away or has withdrawn from delivering. Stamping an address on 1,600 envelopes and stuffing the October
issue of the newsletter with those treasurer-addressed envelopes.
- Printing cover sheets for each newsletter distributor and keeping track of all those frequently changing
distributors. Counting out and bagging the newsletters for each of the distributors, and delivering
those bags of newsletters to every single one of the 52 distributors. John and Bette Hill on
Pinewood Avenue have our sincerest gratitude for taking on this task for so many years!
Web Presence
- Maintaining the website, adding additional information as conditions change and the latest
newsletter stories when each issue comes out.
- Developing and maintaining social media platforms
Facebook NFCCAMoCo
Twitter @NFCCAMoCo
- Paying bills associated with NFCCA activities and communications.
- Depositing checks from newsletter ad revenue and resident dues.
- Reconciling our bank account every month and reporting on our finances at every meeting.
For more on what the NFCCA Board does, see
Serving on the Board.
Please note that meetings are open to anyone, paid member or not, but only members may vote.
How to Join
There are now three ways to pay your $15 dues to join the NFCCA:
- Check
- Cash
- Online via credit card or PayPal (see below)
Checks or cash may be paid in various ways:
- Mail your check, payable to “NFCCA,” to
our Treasurer, Sondra Katz (10905 Lombardy Road).
Please don’t mail cash.
- Deliver your check or cash to the Treasurer at her home
through her mailslot.
- Hand your payment (cash or check) to the Treasurer or
other NFCCA Board member at one of our meetings.
- Call North Four Corners News Editor Jacquie Bokow (LL 301.593.8566)
and a Board member will pick up your payment and, if in cash, will give
you a receipt (if requested).
How to Donate
There are two ways to donate to the NFCCA:
- Check, mailed to the Treasurer, Sondra Katz, 10905 Lombardy Road (be sure to mark it as a donation)
- Online, via credit card or PayPal (just click on “Donate” button below)
Pay Dues or Make Donations Online
Online payments via PayPal can use either a debit card, credit card or, if
you have one, a transfer from your own PayPal account.
FOR DUES (neighborhood residents only), either fill in the form below or scan the
QR code at the bottom to reach PayPal. [Note: The QR code only allows
payment of $15 in dues for one year. Please do not use it for multiple year dues or
for donations.]
FOR DONATIONS (nonresidents or residents), the “Donate” button will
take you to PayPal, where you can choose the amount you wish to donate. (Sorry, but
I couldn’t find a way to combine the two!)
Thank you for your support!
Use QR Code for One Year’s Dues [$15] Only