Home Pay Dues


Official Website of the Northwood-Four Corners Civic Association in Silver Spring, Maryland

Join the NFCCA or Make a Donation

Dues are $15 per household — not individual — per Fiscal Year (October through September) for homes within NFCCA’s territory (see “Our Territory” under the “About NFCCA” drop-down menu at top.)  Although dues have remained at $10 per household for more than 20 years, the Board made a decision to finally make an increase in the fall of 2022.  We hope you will still support us!

If you’d like to donate to the NFCCA — whether you live in NFCCA territory or not — you should know that, although the Northwood-Four Corners Civic Association is registered as a 501(c)(4) nonprofit organization, your contribution is not tax-deductible.

What Your Dues Pay For

Volunteer Activities (i.e., What Your Dues Do Not Pay For)

For more on what the NFCCA Board does, see Serving on the Board.

Please note that meetings are open to anyone, paid member or not, but only members may vote.

How to Join

How to Donate

Pay Dues or Make Donations Online

Online payments via PayPal can use either a debit card, credit card or, if you have one, a transfer from your own PayPal account.
FOR DUES (neighborhood residents only), either fill in the form below or scan the QR code at the bottom to reach PayPal.  [Note:  The QR code only allows payment of $15 in dues for one year.  Please do not use it for multiple year dues or for donations.]
FOR DONATIONS (nonresidents or residents), the “Donate” button will take you to PayPal, where you can choose the amount you wish to donate.  (Sorry, but I couldn’t find a way to combine the two!)
Thank you for your support!

Payment Choices
Your Name(s):
Your Street Address:

Use QR Code for One Year’s Dues [$15] Only